The Multi-Generational Mission
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 9-16-22
I pray this letter finds you walking in the joy of the Lord (Neh 8:10) and being strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Tim 2:1). This Sunday we have the wonderful and unique opportunity to further knit our hearts and ministry together with our sister churches Baltimore Bible and Grace Community of Delaware. One of my prayers when I came to Belcroft was that our congregation could be intimately connected with other likeminded churches where we could encourage, support, protect, and serve alongside one another. Not only is this thoroughly biblical, but it is deeply needed. Praise the Lord that God has allowed our three churches to grow in love and gospel partnership on many levels, and this Sunday will be a sweet manifestation of that as all three pastors will preach in all three churches all in one day. We did this two years ago, and it was a blessing for all of us. This time we will start in Delaware where George will preach in Sunday school, and then I will preach in the 10:30 am worship service. Then, we move quickly onto Baltimore for a 2:00 pm service and finally conclude the day at Belcroft for a 6:00 pm service. So do not forget, because of this special Sunday we will have an evening service at 6:00 pm but no morning service at Belcroft this Sunday (9-18). One of the purposes for having this TSI Sunday is to further highlight the biblical priority given to all of us for passing the baton of gospel ministry to the next generation. There are numerous ways God has called all of us to this multi-generational mission as I will explain below. The Shepherds Institute is just one aspect in all three churches where we are passionately seeking to be faithful in fulling this critical mission of training up in the church today future leaders for the church tomorrow.
The Shepherds Institute: A Multi-Generational Mission
Since I will be preaching at both Baltimore and Delaware on Sunday, I will plan on giving my time in our pulpit to both George and Paul to preach at Belcroft. Therefore, I wanted to share some of my heart with you regarding this serious calling of God on all of us to be involved in His multi-generational mission. One of the passions of Belcroft and another way the three churches partner together is in the multi-generational mission of training future ministers for Jesus Christ. This is core to The Shepherds Institute (TSI) and a major way that George, Paul and I sacrificially and theologically invest in each of our churches for the glory of God. While TSI is a seminary level training ground for the equipping of ministry leadership in the home, the world, and the church, it is also so much more. TSI is, in large part, our endeavor to be faithful to God’s all-encompassing multi-generational mission where we are proactively preparing to faithfully and effectively, pass the baton of gospel ministry to the next generation. But this multi-generational mandate in ministry is not just for pastors, but it is a charge given to every follower of Christ and thus is demands understanding and commitment in every church. Let me explain.
Sadly, the idea of ministry being “multi-generational” is often unheard of and foreign to most people, but this has been God’s plan for the ongoing propagation of truth from the beginning. There are three specific ways you can see this multi-generational mission in action throughout the Scriptures. First, there is God’s multi-generational plan for passing on His truth from parents to children through the family (Mal 2:15 cf. Eph 6:4). God makes this explicit to Israel as He reminds them that one of the ways they will survive and thrive as a nation in a pagan land is only if they obey Him by the godly modeling and diligent teaching of His truth to their children (Deut 6:1-9). This foundational plan given by God was always meant to be multi-generational in that His Word was to be taught not only to their children but even to their “children’s children” (Deut 4:9). As you evaluate this clear call, you see there are four generations protected and propagated as God taught Moses (1), and he taught the parents (2), they taught their children (3), as well as the children’s children (4).
The priority for God’s multi-generational plan is further seen as we evaluate what happens when that plan is rejected. The book of Judges dramatically manifests this devastation with these sobering words, “And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done” (2:6-10). Israel’s failure as a nation and temporary rejection by God was, in part, a consequence of her rejection of God’s multi-generational mission. Lest we in the church forget, God has also called all parents to the same multi-generational mission as we are charged by God to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4). This is one of the greatest missions of believing parents as we earnestly seek to pass the baton of gospel truth from our generation to the next as we faithfully live before our children while pointing them to Christ. We can’t save our children, but we must always aggressively, while patiently, lead them to the one who can save them, the Lord Jesus Christ. How weak the modern church has become because it has failed to see how foundational the family is in God’s multi-generational mission! The church exists, in part, to equip and raise up godly fathers and mothers who in turn seek to faithfully model and train their children in the Word of the Lord.
Secondly, another way we see this multi-generational mission of God in Scripture is through His clear and comprehensive call for all believers to be discipling (training) other believers. Matthew 28:18-20 is undeniable that every believer in Jesus Christ and thus every church is called and commissioned to an all-encompassing endeavor to make lifelong followers of the Lord. Jesus even went so far as to give the church gifted men, pastor-teachers, whose job it is to equip the body so that it can do the work of ministry which involves the ongoing discipleship of the disciples of Christ (Eph 4:11-16). This core component of faithful churches is clearly called for in Titus 2:1-10 where Paul exhorted Titus to this multi-generational mission. Paul taught Titus, and Titus was to teach the church so that the older men and older women could further train and encourage the younger men and younger women. So, we learn from Scripture that God’s multi-generational plan is not simply to make lifelong followers of Christ but also to train up the next generation of ministers who will carry the baton of gospel ministry to the next generation. Sadly, this is not a core conviction of the modern church that is often built around ministry programs that separate the older and younger instead of seeing them in desperate need of one another as they learn, grow, and advance in gospel ministry together.
Lastly, there is seen throughout Scripture God’s multi-generational mission in leadership development. The multi-generational mission of the family is foundational and must never be forgotten or abandoned! The multi-generational mission of ongoing and lifelong discipleship is essential and must never be minimized or manipulated in any way! And the multi-generational mission in training future leaders in and for gospel ministry is also extremely critical to the life and health of the church, so that it too must never be marginalized or abdicated. There are so many examples of this specific training for future ministry leadership throughout the Old and New Testament that it clearly stands as another way God works in protecting and propagating His truth. Moses to Joshua (Num 11:28); Samuel and his students (1 Sam 19:18-24); Elijah to Elisha (2 Kings 2:1-3); Jesus to the Twelve (Mark 3:14-15); Paul with Timothy and Titus (1 Tim 1:2; Titus 1:4); Peter with John Mark (1 Pet 5:13); Titus to the elders in Crete (Titus 1:5-9), Timothy to the elders and deacons in Ephesus (1 Timothy 3:1-16), and Paul with the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:17-35).
I will be preaching on this aspect of our multi-generational mission in Delaware and Baltimore on Sunday from 2 Timothy 2:1-2. In that passage Paul commands Timothy to not lose heart despite all the hardship, persecution, and pain he has been dealing with. Timothy is growing timid amidst the ministry trials (1:7), but Paul charges his son in the faith to remain tenacious in training up men for leadership in ministry now who will also be able to train up more faithful men for future ministry propagation (2:2). Thus, in this passage Paul clearly lays down both the model and the mandate for the massively vital multi-generational mission of the church for raising up future leaders for the church. This is exactly what Paul had been doing from day one as he trained both Timothy and Titus, among many others, so that they could continue faithfully propagating the gospel message for generations to come as they continued raising up faithful man to take their place. It has rightly been said that this passage points us to true apostolic succession as the gospel message and ministry (not an infallible man) is passed on from generation to generation.
Do not miss it, Paul is in chains like a criminal in a damp cold dungeon and is about to die (2 Tim 2:9, 4:13). He likely already had his trial and was just awaiting his verdict of which he already knew he was going to be put to death (2 Tim 4:6, 16). He understands this could be the last correspondence he has with Timothy and what does Paul charge his son in the faith to be busy about? Training men today for the ongoing propagation of gospel ministry tomorrow! Paul charges Timothy and by implication every pastor and every true church to be involved in raising up faithful leaders so that the ministry of the gospel can be faithfully passed on from generation to generation. Paul reminds Timothy where the fuel that makes him able to accomplish this colossal work must come from, and it is not Timothy’s own power but in being strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2:1). Paul reminds Timothy what the foundation is for this multi-generational ministry as it rests on all that Timothy has seen and heard from Paul which was ultimately the doctrine of Christ given to Paul (2:2a). Finally, Paul charges Timothy with the focus of his task which is entrusting the precious message and ministry of the gospel to faithful men who will be able to do the same as they perpetually pass it on in the same way for generations to come!
WOW! This is exactly what we do at Belcroft on multiple levels but most specifically in The Shepherds Institute. TSI is all about faithful pastors seeking to train up faithful men today who will be able to serve the church tomorrow by also passing the baton of genuine gospel ministry to their subsequent generation. This multi-generational mission is one very vital aspect in all three churches as we strive together in gospel partnership. Furthermore, TSI also helps each church deepen their ability to support the home in its multi-generational mission of training up future gospel ministers as fathers are further equipped for this primary calling of raising up their children. TSI also further deepens our church’s ability to be faithfully discipling other disciples of Christ as godly teachers are raised up and trained who will be able to further train others to be “disciplers” for future generations. So, what Paul charges Timothy with has deep implication on all of us since all believers (parents, individuals, and pastors) are involved in a global mission that is multi-generational. Thus, what Timothy needed to learn, we all must hear and embrace. It is the grace of Christ that empowers us for this massive mission. It is the doctrine of Christ that serves as the substance of this massive mission. And it is training up future ministers for Christ which is the focus of our massive mission to the glory of God. A massive mission that involves the home, the church, and every faithful individual follower of Christ. May God continue to strengthen and bless us as we strive to be faithful minsters in God’s multi-generational mission both locally and globally!
For His Glory and Future Generations,
Pastor Matt
Isa 66:2
I pray this letter finds you walking in the joy of the Lord (Neh 8:10) and being strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Tim 2:1). This Sunday we have the wonderful and unique opportunity to further knit our hearts and ministry together with our sister churches Baltimore Bible and Grace Community of Delaware. One of my prayers when I came to Belcroft was that our congregation could be intimately connected with other likeminded churches where we could encourage, support, protect, and serve alongside one another. Not only is this thoroughly biblical, but it is deeply needed. Praise the Lord that God has allowed our three churches to grow in love and gospel partnership on many levels, and this Sunday will be a sweet manifestation of that as all three pastors will preach in all three churches all in one day. We did this two years ago, and it was a blessing for all of us. This time we will start in Delaware where George will preach in Sunday school, and then I will preach in the 10:30 am worship service. Then, we move quickly onto Baltimore for a 2:00 pm service and finally conclude the day at Belcroft for a 6:00 pm service. So do not forget, because of this special Sunday we will have an evening service at 6:00 pm but no morning service at Belcroft this Sunday (9-18). One of the purposes for having this TSI Sunday is to further highlight the biblical priority given to all of us for passing the baton of gospel ministry to the next generation. There are numerous ways God has called all of us to this multi-generational mission as I will explain below. The Shepherds Institute is just one aspect in all three churches where we are passionately seeking to be faithful in fulling this critical mission of training up in the church today future leaders for the church tomorrow.
The Shepherds Institute: A Multi-Generational Mission
Since I will be preaching at both Baltimore and Delaware on Sunday, I will plan on giving my time in our pulpit to both George and Paul to preach at Belcroft. Therefore, I wanted to share some of my heart with you regarding this serious calling of God on all of us to be involved in His multi-generational mission. One of the passions of Belcroft and another way the three churches partner together is in the multi-generational mission of training future ministers for Jesus Christ. This is core to The Shepherds Institute (TSI) and a major way that George, Paul and I sacrificially and theologically invest in each of our churches for the glory of God. While TSI is a seminary level training ground for the equipping of ministry leadership in the home, the world, and the church, it is also so much more. TSI is, in large part, our endeavor to be faithful to God’s all-encompassing multi-generational mission where we are proactively preparing to faithfully and effectively, pass the baton of gospel ministry to the next generation. But this multi-generational mandate in ministry is not just for pastors, but it is a charge given to every follower of Christ and thus is demands understanding and commitment in every church. Let me explain.
Sadly, the idea of ministry being “multi-generational” is often unheard of and foreign to most people, but this has been God’s plan for the ongoing propagation of truth from the beginning. There are three specific ways you can see this multi-generational mission in action throughout the Scriptures. First, there is God’s multi-generational plan for passing on His truth from parents to children through the family (Mal 2:15 cf. Eph 6:4). God makes this explicit to Israel as He reminds them that one of the ways they will survive and thrive as a nation in a pagan land is only if they obey Him by the godly modeling and diligent teaching of His truth to their children (Deut 6:1-9). This foundational plan given by God was always meant to be multi-generational in that His Word was to be taught not only to their children but even to their “children’s children” (Deut 4:9). As you evaluate this clear call, you see there are four generations protected and propagated as God taught Moses (1), and he taught the parents (2), they taught their children (3), as well as the children’s children (4).
The priority for God’s multi-generational plan is further seen as we evaluate what happens when that plan is rejected. The book of Judges dramatically manifests this devastation with these sobering words, “And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done” (2:6-10). Israel’s failure as a nation and temporary rejection by God was, in part, a consequence of her rejection of God’s multi-generational mission. Lest we in the church forget, God has also called all parents to the same multi-generational mission as we are charged by God to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4). This is one of the greatest missions of believing parents as we earnestly seek to pass the baton of gospel truth from our generation to the next as we faithfully live before our children while pointing them to Christ. We can’t save our children, but we must always aggressively, while patiently, lead them to the one who can save them, the Lord Jesus Christ. How weak the modern church has become because it has failed to see how foundational the family is in God’s multi-generational mission! The church exists, in part, to equip and raise up godly fathers and mothers who in turn seek to faithfully model and train their children in the Word of the Lord.
Secondly, another way we see this multi-generational mission of God in Scripture is through His clear and comprehensive call for all believers to be discipling (training) other believers. Matthew 28:18-20 is undeniable that every believer in Jesus Christ and thus every church is called and commissioned to an all-encompassing endeavor to make lifelong followers of the Lord. Jesus even went so far as to give the church gifted men, pastor-teachers, whose job it is to equip the body so that it can do the work of ministry which involves the ongoing discipleship of the disciples of Christ (Eph 4:11-16). This core component of faithful churches is clearly called for in Titus 2:1-10 where Paul exhorted Titus to this multi-generational mission. Paul taught Titus, and Titus was to teach the church so that the older men and older women could further train and encourage the younger men and younger women. So, we learn from Scripture that God’s multi-generational plan is not simply to make lifelong followers of Christ but also to train up the next generation of ministers who will carry the baton of gospel ministry to the next generation. Sadly, this is not a core conviction of the modern church that is often built around ministry programs that separate the older and younger instead of seeing them in desperate need of one another as they learn, grow, and advance in gospel ministry together.
Lastly, there is seen throughout Scripture God’s multi-generational mission in leadership development. The multi-generational mission of the family is foundational and must never be forgotten or abandoned! The multi-generational mission of ongoing and lifelong discipleship is essential and must never be minimized or manipulated in any way! And the multi-generational mission in training future leaders in and for gospel ministry is also extremely critical to the life and health of the church, so that it too must never be marginalized or abdicated. There are so many examples of this specific training for future ministry leadership throughout the Old and New Testament that it clearly stands as another way God works in protecting and propagating His truth. Moses to Joshua (Num 11:28); Samuel and his students (1 Sam 19:18-24); Elijah to Elisha (2 Kings 2:1-3); Jesus to the Twelve (Mark 3:14-15); Paul with Timothy and Titus (1 Tim 1:2; Titus 1:4); Peter with John Mark (1 Pet 5:13); Titus to the elders in Crete (Titus 1:5-9), Timothy to the elders and deacons in Ephesus (1 Timothy 3:1-16), and Paul with the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:17-35).
I will be preaching on this aspect of our multi-generational mission in Delaware and Baltimore on Sunday from 2 Timothy 2:1-2. In that passage Paul commands Timothy to not lose heart despite all the hardship, persecution, and pain he has been dealing with. Timothy is growing timid amidst the ministry trials (1:7), but Paul charges his son in the faith to remain tenacious in training up men for leadership in ministry now who will also be able to train up more faithful men for future ministry propagation (2:2). Thus, in this passage Paul clearly lays down both the model and the mandate for the massively vital multi-generational mission of the church for raising up future leaders for the church. This is exactly what Paul had been doing from day one as he trained both Timothy and Titus, among many others, so that they could continue faithfully propagating the gospel message for generations to come as they continued raising up faithful man to take their place. It has rightly been said that this passage points us to true apostolic succession as the gospel message and ministry (not an infallible man) is passed on from generation to generation.
Do not miss it, Paul is in chains like a criminal in a damp cold dungeon and is about to die (2 Tim 2:9, 4:13). He likely already had his trial and was just awaiting his verdict of which he already knew he was going to be put to death (2 Tim 4:6, 16). He understands this could be the last correspondence he has with Timothy and what does Paul charge his son in the faith to be busy about? Training men today for the ongoing propagation of gospel ministry tomorrow! Paul charges Timothy and by implication every pastor and every true church to be involved in raising up faithful leaders so that the ministry of the gospel can be faithfully passed on from generation to generation. Paul reminds Timothy where the fuel that makes him able to accomplish this colossal work must come from, and it is not Timothy’s own power but in being strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2:1). Paul reminds Timothy what the foundation is for this multi-generational ministry as it rests on all that Timothy has seen and heard from Paul which was ultimately the doctrine of Christ given to Paul (2:2a). Finally, Paul charges Timothy with the focus of his task which is entrusting the precious message and ministry of the gospel to faithful men who will be able to do the same as they perpetually pass it on in the same way for generations to come!
WOW! This is exactly what we do at Belcroft on multiple levels but most specifically in The Shepherds Institute. TSI is all about faithful pastors seeking to train up faithful men today who will be able to serve the church tomorrow by also passing the baton of genuine gospel ministry to their subsequent generation. This multi-generational mission is one very vital aspect in all three churches as we strive together in gospel partnership. Furthermore, TSI also helps each church deepen their ability to support the home in its multi-generational mission of training up future gospel ministers as fathers are further equipped for this primary calling of raising up their children. TSI also further deepens our church’s ability to be faithfully discipling other disciples of Christ as godly teachers are raised up and trained who will be able to further train others to be “disciplers” for future generations. So, what Paul charges Timothy with has deep implication on all of us since all believers (parents, individuals, and pastors) are involved in a global mission that is multi-generational. Thus, what Timothy needed to learn, we all must hear and embrace. It is the grace of Christ that empowers us for this massive mission. It is the doctrine of Christ that serves as the substance of this massive mission. And it is training up future ministers for Christ which is the focus of our massive mission to the glory of God. A massive mission that involves the home, the church, and every faithful individual follower of Christ. May God continue to strengthen and bless us as we strive to be faithful minsters in God’s multi-generational mission both locally and globally!
For His Glory and Future Generations,
Pastor Matt
Isa 66:2
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