
Baltimore Rescue Mission

Baltimore, Maryland

The Baltimore Rescue Mission has been reaching out to the poor of inner city Baltimore since 1956.  We are a Christian, nonprofit, non-denominational gospel ministry.  The great central purpose and duty of the Baltimore Rescue Mission is to proclaim the unsearchable riches of the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:8-9); to seek the salvation of the lost; to instruct believers in the Word of God; to conduct gospel and Bible teaching services; to feed, clothe, and help the needy; and to foster, promote and encourage all phases of general rescue mission work.  We have the capacity to house 200 men and 43 women and children each evening.  We daily provide 400+ meals and everything is provided to our guests free of charge. 
Please Pray,
  • Refrigerated food van to replace our current van with over 300,000 miles on it.  Needs to be new or like new.  Refrigeration unit alone costs approximately $20,000.
  • We are replacing/resurfacing two Karis Home floors and three men's division floors.
  • Planning a major renovation to one of the men's staff living areas. 
  • Pray for safety, health and strength, and the blessings of the Lord as we continue to serve Him and those whom He sends our way to help.

Belcroft Missionaries of the Month: August