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Jude Introduction: Contend for the Faith
As we begin our exploration of the book of Jude, we're reminded of the urgent call to contend for our faith in a world rife with false teachings. Jude's letter serves as a wartime dispatch, alerting us to the dangers of those who would lead us astray. But far from leaving us feeling vulnerable, this message anchors us in the unshakeable security of God's love and calling. We're reminded that as believers, we are the 'called ones' - chosen not for our own merit, but because of God's sovereign grace. This calling is rooted in His love, a love that chose us at our worst and continues to keep us. What a profound comfort to know that we are held in Christ's hand, never to be snatched away! This truth doesn't breed complacency, but rather fuels our courage to stand firm and speak truth in love. As we face the challenges of discerning truth from falsehood in our own lives, let's draw strength from knowing we are loved, called, and kept by our faithful God.