
Dan & Ginny Bryant

Ethnos 360 - Dakar, West Africa

Dan continues to provide support for the team of Ethnos 360 ministry in West Africa, while also continuing the work of translating the Bible into the Landuma language. Continue to pray for the Bryants as they seek to faithfully lead their family and foster children while also seeking to advance the gospel in the region of West Africa. 
Please Pray,
  • For those that we are discipling and investing in, that their hearts would drawn to know Jesus.
  • Pray that we would be faithful in loving well and being a testimony to those around in the way we live our lives.
  • Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with our Muslim friends
  • For Dan to have wisdom and perseverance as he prepares and teaches his classes and mentors the students. Pray that the students would really grow in their love and understanding of truth.
  • For wisdom in parenting our growing children as well as the extended family that God has placed in our home. Pray that we would point them to Christ in the way that we love and parent them.

Belcroft Missionaries of the Month: June