Indian Bible College
Flagstaff, Arizona
The purpose of IBC is to disciple and educate Indigenous Native Christians for a lifetime of biblical ministry and spiritual leadership to their people and the world. We provide a biblical worldview and lifestyle through modeling, mentoring, and training with grace and truth. Our desire is to cultivate transformational change in the lives of the students and the staff.
Pray that we remain steadfast in prioritizing our marriage relationship so that we are in the best position possible to pour into others.
Pray that we remain steadfast in prioritizing our marriage relationship so that we are in the best position possible to pour into others.
Please Pray,
- For perseverance in commitment to the interwoven ministries in which He has called us to serve.
- For continued unwavering commitment to God’s word and the sufficiency of scripture for teaching, discipling, and counseling.
- For our spiritual discernment and keen awareness of false doctrine and lies that are subtle and dangerously imperceptible in the times we live.
- For the physical and spiritual protection of our family, home, and those we minister to.
- For those we minister to grow in their desire for God’s Word, their understanding of their identity as a child of God, as well as for their freedom from strongholds and bondage to sin.
- Belcroft Missionaries of the Month: August