
Marty & Joni Orcurto

Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, Florida 

Good News Jail & Prison Ministry seeks to place fill-time chaplains in jails and prisons here in the US and 25 other countries. We share the transforming message of the Gospel to men, women, and children behind the walls that they might become growing disciples. Locally, we provide chaplains to several counties surrounding the nation's capital. As the Director of Operations, I lead a team providing discipleship and other resources to the chaplains as they seek to meet the needs of the inmates and staff.
Please Pray,
  • For qualified chaplains with a heart for the incarcerated.
  • For new fields that are opening overseas and domestically.
  • For chaplains as they face political and societal persecution internally & domestically.
  • For new creative avenues for ministry to open in more closed countries
  • That the Spirit might continue to prepare hearts for the Gospel.

Belcroft Missionaries of the Month: February