
Chris & Megumi Risden

Matsumoto, Japan

Our ongoing primary focus in Japan is to help to support Abundant Life Christ Church in Matsumoto. This mainly involves preaching and teaching the Word. We also continue to help support Azumino Family Chapel and the Norikura Fellowship. 
Please Pray,
  • For the Lord to provide Japanese pastors for Abundant Life Christ Church and Azumino Family Chapel in His perfect time and will. 
  • That the saints at ALCC and AFC to grow in their passion for sharing their faith with lost friends and family.
  • Japan is one of the largest unreached countries in the world. Pray that the Lord would build His church in Japan and that there would be a great spiritual awakening among its people.
  • We are working with two churches in the central area of Nagano prefecture. Both churches are without lead pastors. Pray that the Lord would raise up pastors for both churches. The majority of pastors in Japan are over 65 years old. Please pray that the Lord would raise-up more young pastors and leaders in Japan.
  • We recently welcomed a co-worker in Japan who has come for a two-year ministry stint. Please pray that he will integrate well into life and ministry in Japan.
  •  There are quite a few believers in our churches with non-believing spouses. Pray that these believers would shine brightly for Christ in their marriages (and families) and that their spouses would come to know the Lord.
  • We recently started Bible studies at ALCC for both adults and teens. Please pray that the Lord would use these times in the Word to strengthen each believer and the church as a whole.

Belcroft Missionary of the Month: November